Sunday, January 31, 2010
AG in AB
Hey everybody, sorry for the delay since my last post. I've been fully intent on having a small edit for you to take a look at however I keep getting so involved in riding that I haven't taken enough video.
Things in Banff have been going great. I've just got a second job working in a huge outdoor sports shop on Banff's main street. It couldn't come at a better time since budget cuts have resulted in my hours at the CD shop being slashed to a pathetic 4 hours a week.
The town itself is really starting to buzz. With the beginning of February we start to move into high season so there should be plenty more people out here for the next few months. Olympic fever is sweeping the nation and every town has had themselves a party as the torch has passed through on its way to Vancouver. We managed to get a grip on one of the torches in Banff while a runner waited for the changeover of the flame.
After a ridiculously warm January there is high hopes of a massive dump of snow sometime in February. The rivers and lakes that were frozen solid in December are now melting and looking like they should look in April. This has been worrying but several local mountain-men have assured me we will be waist-deep in the near future. I hope they're right!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday Forecast

Most runs are complete and the upper mountain has a wide cover with plenty of snow between the runs providing off piste areas.
Snow conditions were soft today and may firm up with a bit of fresh snow.
Good skiing for lower abilities around the top station and on Linnhe and Alpha runs.
Back Corrie may open this weekend, but will be assessed daily.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Duthie's Diaries: Beer and Loathing

The plan was to essentially crash the Crystal Holidays' weekly Meribel bar crawl, jumping on their 8pm coach from Brides and returning at 2am. With the resort's reputation for extortionate prices, it seemed the best thing to do would be to frontload with the local fizzy wine from Moutiers (guaranteed messiness at a seasonaire-frendly 1 Euro per bottle). After a few rounds of DeathWish for good measure, we headed along to the bus.
Charged with getting a round in, Kyla comes back with pints of a questionable purple colour, which put paid to any more serious discussion about the merits of a night out in Meribel. After those we were as good as on the floor, and there was nothing else to do but sit back, steady ourselves on the table, and attempt to tolerate that other bane of resorts such as these: the British covers band who seem to believe that no-one's heard Kings of Leon's 'Sex is on Fire' enough times yet.
However, to paraphrase the Bible, there is a time to laugh, a time to cry, and a time to get absolutely rinsed and knock several lumps out of your mother's pride. Any environment where it's mandatory to get between six and eight hours of exercise a day should always have the option to undo all the good work later on. Amongst the crowds of punters in any apres-ski bar, you will find scores of folk who love their sport and take a well-earned swally after a solid day's riding. The only ones I've got qualms with are those who are happy to let the boozing take precedent as their skis/boards are neglected. It's been said a hundred times before, but still: you can get drunk anywhere, but if you're in the mountains, you have opportunities that are not to be missed. Hats off to the likes of Chris Hazeldine, Julian Leighton, Chris Rettie, Ally Gray, Bruce Robertson, and all the other shredders I've met who can prop up the bar with the best of them, but can still be found on the hill the next day. I raise my glass to you.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday Forecast

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
BP's adventures...
Alrite folks, how is everyone? I know im not one of the lucky few who are away enjoying the time of their lifes doing a season, but I still thought I would contribute to this online community we have set up. Firstly, happy new year to you all! I hope 2010 brings you all you wish for, unfortunately I was not in Scotland, or Ireland for that matter, over the new year period as I was lucky enough to be shredding in France. A certain mr rumbles offered me a couch to crash on for a week over the new year period, and without a shadow of doubt, I was booked up on the cheapest airlines, Val di’sere here I come…new years came and went like a blink of an eye and before I knew it, 2010 had arrived, which meant one thing, I only had 2 days to catch up with Ben “killer” kinnear! Out of my slump, I got and kitted up and on the adventure over to Tigne I was. Needless to say, he was a little worse for wear, but we still got some turns in, and to my surprise we met up with little Emmet Strachan, super stoked to say the least, that kids rips! Emmet and Ben roof drop
2nd of Jan rolled round, and we were all up, bright eyed bushy tailed, ready for some schralping! Emmett and myself were lead by our own personal guide, Ben. He knows the place like the back of his hand, after scooping out a few wee cliff drops and side hits, Ben took us to a mysterious place known only as the hidden valley. A large gully, with a snowboard and half track which twisted up down round and around you really had to be there to understand, im sure Emmet will describe it well, as he tore through it with no hesitation…
And before I knew it night had fallen the chairs had frozen and I was due for an early morning start to embark on another new adventure. Italy!
After receiving my BASI level 2 snowboard instructors qualification a mere 2 months prior, I was about to teach for the first time on the mountains! It was rad! Working for a company called Interski, in the resort called Pila in the Aosta Valley. Nice wee resort, but with it being so quiet the off piste was untouched and the tree lines were some of the best id ever seen, not to mention the park, it was dope, not too big, by no means too small, and well maintained. I had a couple hours shred at the end of each day to hit up these features, and ohh did I enjoy!
I was given a beginners group of 15 – 18 year olds. Although sometimes frustration being stuck on the baby slope while there are so many fresh lines to be cut it was still great to watch these kids learn, improve and enjoy something new. After 3 days, I was able to introduce them to a chair lift, and we were able to explore the mountain together.
Overall it was a great experience to be able to teach in the mountains, and it has on strengthened my urge to get away next winter for a proper season!
Until then I have to focus on finishing uni, some pics and a wee edit to follow shortly...
Wills Westbeach Wednesday
Westbeach European Airtimes - Episode 1
Some sick footage from Will Nangle and the Westbeach lads killing it in Morzine!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ben signing in
Typing this in a pretty cool youth hostel in Lauterbrunnen, looking out onto a band of 1500ft plus cliffs, where the local farmer has banned base jumpers; apparently fed up with scraping up the failed attempts from his cattle troughs! The infamous north face of the Eiger looms above those cliffs, with pretty drastic scenery all around this vally. The terrain is amazing, nothing very mellow - so running a BASI level 1 is fun but we are going to struggle to find some central dream-friendly area..
No excuses for no posts till now. Been shredding, lots. Based in Tignes for the season, teaching and training - but all mixed in with nuff free shred-turns. After a weird start to the winter in Dublin of all places, on a revolving dry slope - Tignes has provided some sick conditions, albeit in between some lengthy storms. Re-discovered some of the lines in the trees, found some new drops, rocks and hits, and even a couple new couloirs this season, yeah! Its one of those places you'll never know inside out; so much terrain and so many options will keep you hungry for more.
Had a few guest shredders out and about in Tignes, which is always rad. Looking forward to a few free days after this course in Avoriaz, then moving onto the mecca that is Verbier for two weeks. Can't wait to hit the amazing Medran area of trees over there, and obviously take in a couple of polo matches with Randolph and Percy.

The dream machine that is Rachel, see right, has been steadily transporting myself and crew around the alps. Check her out outside our pad in Tignes.
Will sign off for now, but with the full intention of taking more photos and vid - and getting some stuff up here. Sweet.
Shred on abody and lets hear about it!

Friday, January 15, 2010
Will Nangles Edits
Rowan Coultas Avoriaz day from will nangle on Vimeo.
Will Nangle has kindly allowed us to put up some of his edits so check these oot. Hopefully this edit will inspire you Groms. We'll try and keep you updated with Will and the Westbeach team out in Morzine.Westhill Golfy Sesh
A wee vid in Westhill from Natalie Riley and The Aberdeen Groms shredding it up at the Golfy in Westhill.
Friday Forecast
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Duthie's Diaries: Down and Out in Brides Les Bains
A few days after Christmas, we got a call from a hotel in the town. They'd been forced to make a couple of sackings, and wanted us to help out over their busy New Year period. It couldn't have come too soon: our money was running low, and the conditions had gone from bad to worse. Rather than ride in the rain up in Meribel, we were happy to rack up some hours down in Brides. While Kyla turned over rooms, I joined the surreal shambles that was the hotel kitchen. As well as myself, the kitchen staff consisted of: an acting head chef (a locally-based Kiwi who'd agreed to do a few shifts); one of the hotel assistants, roped into cooking; the kitchen porter, effectively promoted to sous chef while i took his place at the plongeur; and the one remaining commis chef, lone survivor of the Christmas dismissals.
Kyla brings the New Year cheer, 1st January 2010
From now on I'll be getting one or two shifts a week to help with the busy times, which should cover food expenses while I get the rest of the time to ride. All in all, I couldn't ask for a better situation. Hopefully it'll last....
For obvious reasons, the next post should have a bit more shredding stories than this one, as well as tales of Meribel excursions, DeathWish and a whole lot more. Til then....
Monday, January 11, 2010
New Forum Vid
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Duthie's Diaries: an apology
Friday, January 8, 2010
AG in AB

Happy new year Unbezzers! Hope 2010 is going well for you all. Just a quick update before I come back atcha with some full-fat flava in my next post. So far it has been a great year for me. I've been breaking in a new pair of boots, rocking a new down jacket and most importantly... making full use of my new season pass!!
Life in Canada has gone from awesome to mondo-uber-sweet since I can now jaunt off up the hill whenever I have the time off work. I will in fact be getting up to make the 7.10 bus up the hill tomorrow so that I can get a morning's riding in before work at 1pm. It's good to be highly active again, and especially to get some quality shredding in. I've had a mixed bag of conditions since getting my pass a week ago. A few days of warm weather with poor viz and a couple of bollock freezing bluebird sessions. I have still managed to cover just about every pisted run at Sunshine Village along with a good few runs in the park and a few laps of delirium dive (Sunshine's massive backcountry bowl).
I'm working on a wee edit for you guys to see what I've generally been up to. Should hopefully have it ready in time for my next blog in a week or so. Until then, keep shredding Unbezzers and enjoy that sweet snow in Scotland if you're there!