Wednesday, January 20, 2010

BP's adventures...

Alrite folks, how is everyone? I know im not one of the lucky few who are away enjoying the time of their lifes doing a season, but I still thought I would contribute to this online community we have set up. Firstly, happy new year to you all! I hope 2010 brings you all you wish for, unfortunately I was not in Scotland, or Ireland for that matter, over the new year period as I was lucky enough to be shredding in France. A certain mr rumbles offered me a couch to crash on for a week over the new year period, and without a shadow of doubt, I was booked up on the cheapest airlines, Val di’sere here I come…new years came and went like a blink of an eye and before I knew it, 2010 had arrived, which meant one thing, I only had 2 days to catch up with Ben “killer” kinnear! Out of my slump, I got and kitted up and on the adventure over to Tigne I was. Needless to say, he was a little worse for wear, but we still got some turns in, and to my surprise we met up with little Emmet Strachan, super stoked to say the least, that kids rips! Emmet and Ben roof drop

2nd of Jan rolled round, and we were all up, bright eyed bushy tailed, ready for some schralping! Emmett and myself were lead by our own personal guide, Ben. He knows the place like the back of his hand, after scooping out a few wee cliff drops and side hits, Ben took us to a mysterious place known only as the hidden valley. A large gully, with a snowboard and half track which twisted up down round and around you really had to be there to understand, im sure Emmet will describe it well, as he tore through it with no hesitation…

And before I knew it night had fallen the chairs had frozen and I was due for an early morning start to embark on another new adventure. Italy!

After receiving my BASI level 2 snowboard instructors qualification a mere 2 months prior, I was about to teach for the first time on the mountains! It was rad! Working for a company called Interski, in the resort called Pila in the Aosta Valley. Nice wee resort, but with it being so quiet the off piste was untouched and the tree lines were some of the best id ever seen, not to mention the park, it was dope, not too big, by no means too small, and well maintained. I had a couple hours shred at the end of each day to hit up these features, and ohh did I enjoy!

I was given a beginners group of 15 – 18 year olds. Although sometimes frustration being stuck on the baby slope while there are so many fresh lines to be cut it was still great to watch these kids learn, improve and enjoy something new. After 3 days, I was able to introduce them to a chair lift, and we were able to explore the mountain together.

Overall it was a great experience to be able to teach in the mountains, and it has on strengthened my urge to get away next winter for a proper season!

Until then I have to focus on finishing uni, some pics and a wee edit to follow shortly...

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